【学科建设】成果推介(五):Spatial Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Coupling and Coordination of High-Quality Development in Eastern Coastal Areas of China


本文著录格式:Yuan, D.; Guo, J.; Zhu, C. Spatial characteristics and influencing factors of the coupling and coordination of high-Quality development in eastern coastal areas of China. Sustainability 2023, 15, 7217.


摘要:China’s pursuit of sustainable and healthy economic growth requires the promotion of high-quality development. While many scholars have studied high-quality development, few have examined the coupling and coordination among its internal systems. The study aims to analyze the influencing factors of high-quality coordinated development, identify problem areas based on the five development statuses, and provide practical recommendations for optimizing the spatial layout of high-quality development in these areas. By applying a coupling coordination model and a geographically weighted regression model, the comprehensive level of high-quality coordinated development in the eastern coastal areas was evaluated. The results revealed that the majority of the eastern coastal region exhibited weak coordination and significant spatial differences in their comprehensive level. The problem cities were predominantly located in the southern and northern coastal areas. An economic foundation and innovation potential have a positive and stable impact on high-quality coordinated development.

关键词:high-quality development; coupling coordination; geographically weighted regression; problem identification; eastern coastal region

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郭佳佩通讯作者,美国东北大学经济学博士,江苏省双创博士,现任教于南京特殊教育师范学院管理学院。研究领域为劳动经济学、健康经济学。相关成果发表于Journal of Health Economics等权威期刊。




(供稿/倪盈盈   审核/张伟锋)